Seberg (2019). Film review of the drama starring Kristen Stewart

Image of Kristen Stewart in the film Seberg


star rating 3 out of 5 worth watching
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Get Out (2017). Disappointing, cliched horror about an interracial relationship.

image still get out film falling daniel kaluuya

Film review by Jason Day of Get Out, the horror movie about a young black man who visits his white girlfriend’s liberal family with terrifying and life-changing results. Starring Daniel Kaluuya and Allison Williams.


star rating 3 out of 5 worth watching


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A United Kingdom (2016). Naive? Or innocent? This race-relations/big government drama is worth watching.


Film review of A United Kingdom about an interracial love affair in the 1950’s starring David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike. Directed by Amma Asante.


3stars Good worth watching

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Broken Blossoms or The Yellow Man and the Girl (1919)


Film review, written as a social services case, by Jason Day of the silent melodrama about a poor, abused girl in Victorian London who is befriended by a Chinese man. Starring Lillian Gish and Richard Barthlemess.



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